Cryptocurrency Audit

Are you facing a cryptocurrency audit? Turn to the original crypto tax lawyers to guide you through!

Criminal Tax Attorney

Criminal Tax Attorney Is the IRS breathing down your neck? Our skilled criminal tax attorneys have guided many clients safely through an IRS investigation, and we can do the same for you. The IRS is a ruthless opponent; make sure you have the strongest possible defense on your side. SCHEDULE MY CONSULTATION Proven criminal tax […]

Tax Fraud Lawyer

Tax Fraud Lawyer Don’t let fear of a tax fraud investigation keep you up at night! With the help of our aggressive tax fraud lawyers, you can achieve favorable results or even avoid a criminal investigation altogether. We’ll fight tirelessly to protect your rights, your assets, and your peace of mind. SCHEDULE MY CONSULTATION Proven […]

What is the Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act? Will it Help You?

New year, new tax responsibilities. For crypto holders, it’s time to tally your gains and losses and determine what you owe the  IRS. And with tax season comes new crypto tax law proposals, like the Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act. House of Representatives Mulling Over Crypto Tax “Fairness Act” Under current law, every time crypto […]

Cannabis Companies and the Opportunity Zone Program: What’s the Deal?

Investors love the new Opportunity Zone (OZ) program, which allows for the diversion of capital gains into developing communities in exchange for significant tax breaks. But confusion about project qualification parameters lingers. For example: Can you invest in cannabis-related Opportunity Zone projects? Are they even allowed? It’s not an easy question to answer since state […]

Six Money-Saving Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

Self-employed people and freelancers are leaving money on the table by not maximizing allowable tax deductions. Let’s fix that. Self-Employed Tax Saving Tip #1: Work Retirement Options Self-employed people must pony up Medicare, Social Security and income taxes. However, they have more retirement savings options at their disposal, including: Simplified Employee Pensions; Employee Incentive Match […]

Cryptocurrency Tax Reduction Strategy: Investing in Opportunity Act

What do you get when two senators — one each from the left and right — and a fabled tech billionaire put their heads together? Answer: a federal tax-reduction initiative called the Investing in Opportunity Act, which could go a long way in improving underdeveloped areas, while also providing an incredible tax break for cryptocurrency […]

ICO Law: Ways To Structure An ICO So It’s Not A Security

The SEC has spoken: Some cryptocurrencies qualify as securities, in and of themselves; others, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, don’t. Let’s break it down. SEC Crypto Securities Stance: Most ICO Altcoins Are Securities; Bitcoin and Ethereum Aren’t Moving forward, the Securities and Exchange Commission will likely treat most cryptocurrencies, which are specially developed for investment ICOs, […]