Here’s How To Eradicate Capital Gains Tax Burden: OZ Program

Have you heard about the new way to eliminate capital gains taxes while helping under-served communities revitalize? It’s called the Qualified Opportunity Zone (OZ) program. What is the Opportunity Zone Program? Policy makers conceived of the OZ program as a win-win proposition that would give individuals and businesses a way to reduce tax burdens while […]

Cryptocurrency Tax Reduction Strategy: Investing in Opportunity Act

What do you get when two senators — one each from the left and right — and a fabled tech billionaire put their heads together? Answer: a federal tax-reduction initiative called the Investing in Opportunity Act, which could go a long way in improving underdeveloped areas, while also providing an incredible tax break for cryptocurrency […]

Steer Clear of Cryptocurrency Scams

As a leading cryptocurrency law firm, Gordon Law Group guides clients through the intricate world of crypto taxes and other legal issues. People frequently approach us for help after they’ve been scammed or had their cryptocurrency stolen. In some specific cases, you may be able to write off stolen cryptocurrency. We’re here to guide you […]